In the beginning, there was a boy. A distracted, disruptive boy — a bad boy, his teachers said. A tall, athletic boy who fought with other kids and threw books around the classroom and talked when he wasn’t supposed to. A boy who stumbled over his words but moved with perfect grace on the basketball court. A boy who read voraciously — Mark Twain, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Samuel Coleridge, Charles Dickens, Dylan Thomas, Honoré de Balzac, James Joyce — even after he dropped out of Stuyvesant High School in New York. A boy whose questing intelligence was engaged in a long and complicated conversation with the books he read, books that made him feel more real than his real life did but that were also silent about black boys like him.

Photograph by Constance Myers
“In truth, everything in my life in 1951 that was personal and had value was white,” Walter Dean Myers later wrote in his memoir “Bad Boy.” It wasn’t until he reached adulthood and read “Sonny’s Blues,” by James Baldwin, a fellow Harlemite, that he felt he had permission to offer the world a narrative with blackness at its core. By then, after a stint in the Army, he was writing seriously. In 1968, his picture-book manuscript for “Where Does the Day Go” won a contest for black writers by the Council on Interracial Books for Children. It was published the following year. Eventually he would write more than a hundred books for young people: lyrical picture books and gritty novels, poetry and short stories, history, biography, memoir, books that earned him nearly every major award children’s publishing had to offer.
Literature was his one true faith, the lens through which he surveyed every aspect of the human condition. His personal mission: To create literature about the people whose stories had been left off the shelf.
“If we continue to make black children nonpersons by excluding them from books and by degrading the black experience, and if we continue to neglect white children by not exposing them to any aspect of other racial and ethnic experiences in a meaningful way, we will have a next racial crisis,” he predicted in the pages of The Times in 1986.
He would write about the lack of diversity in children’s literature in The Times again, in March of this year. He was responding to the depressing news that while about half of American children are a race other than white, less than 10 percent of the children’s books published in 2013 were about minorities. He ended his essay with the words, “There is work to be done.”
Work was something he always welcomed, though. Fiercely disciplined, he wrote a minimum of five pages a day until shortly before his death. (Once, when a child asked him what the hardest part about writing was, he said: “There are no hard parts. It’s all work, and you have to put your mind and heart in it. It’s work. It’s all good.”) There was no greater calling, he felt, than to do for others what “Sonny’s Blues” had done for him.
Books had given him both an identity and a way to affect the world, his son, Christopher Myers, told me recently. “He felt that he owed books a repayment,” he said. “All his books were about rendering the invisible visible.”
By Dashka Slater. Reprinted from the New York Times/The Lives They Lived
I just easily finished reading Fallen Angels. Of the many, many books I have read about war (both fiction and non-fiction), and especially about the VietNam war, this has to be at the top of the list. The flow of the story is fantastic, which made the book so easy to read. Thank you so much for this reading experience. I love your style. Will now pursue reading other books of yours.
invasion is an amazing book
I don’t have any information about this article but I just wanted to say that Walter Dean myers is an outstanding author. He’s wonderful and he keeps his readers hooked to his novels!!Keep doing what you do best!!!!!!
i love his books
Just finished his novel:Fallen Angels, Absolutely Amazing!!!
Much thanks! This a superb website!.
I loves this book about dean Myers it is Called “love that dog” it is a poetry book and it is a really great book I really recommend reading that book
i love his books
I just learned about him today but I really like him already🙌🙋
Walter Dean Myers is my favorite author in the world
Me to! I have to do a report on him and I can’t find any thing online about his poem “to a child of war
I love bad boy and fallen angels
Hi this was a good read
We are learning about him.
I have been reading the glory field, and it is truly a greatly written novel. I have been meaning to go out and get monter. Great books
Walter was a great person.
i love bad boy
Who has read Fallen Angels
Walter dean Myers is amazing he really inspired me big time i want to be an author because of him rest in peace Walter dean Myers rest in peace
good job walter myers loved your book
I love fallen angels
My condolences to the family of Mr. Walter Dean Meyers. He was a true inspiration.
i really really loved your book .
Walter Dean Myers will always be loved by every single person that read his book. He gave (and still conitues to give ) people hope for a change. R.I.P. Walker Dean Myers.
I loved him. I read all of his books.
I do not really enjoy reading, but your books are great! They keep me interested and I learn some good things about myself sometimes. I will continue to read your books until I have finished them all. I am now doing an author study for my language arts class on you and some of your books. Slam and Hoops are my two favorites because I love to play basketball.
i really love your books they are so intersting to read
these story was amazing and his book monster is boss !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
i think that walter dean myers is a very smart person and i give a lot of respect for what he did. i like to thank him for writing all of those books for all ages. i like to thank him for going into the army for ww2.and now i know alot about walter dean myers!!
Began reading Monster yesterday morning and couldn’t stop, finished it by the evening. Was completely mesmerized by Mr. Myers storytelling ability and sense of humanity. Ordered three more, interested in reading up on the man’s memoirs and learning more about the person behind the superior works! Thank you for the inspiration, and RIP.
I love walter dean myers i love his book monster it is one of my favorite of his many books
I like this book to
my name is heaven Johnson too omg lol i love book bad boy
This book is so cool I loveeeeww it its so awsome I wish he was still alive I like how it talks about devil worship
i realylove your stories my class be reallly reading this and it really great make some more like that
Wow. This is really nice. I am currently reading one of his books for the first time,Somewhere In the Darkness. What caught my eye was his last name, Myers, well my last name is Myers too. So I decided to look him up, just being curious, well I find this information verry intressting, not only did I want to find out about this man I was also searching for some advice too, I was looking for some insparation to make a book like Ive always wanted but when I try…I just lose all focas and I wonder off from it and when I go to return to it after a few days I dont find it too intressting, so I scrap it. But this does help alot. Thank you.
its my first time reading this to
This is a very nice website
i know im late but you were a huge inspiration on my book i didnt release yet called “we gon make it”…i was inspired by monster and slam…thanks #Bonez #RIP
What lesson does he want us to learn?
we are learning about him in class right now!
That all people are the same